Annikken Andee Library

These are all the functions that can be found in the Andee Library

Andee functions

The Andee Class has general functions that affects the way the Andee Shield works or what it does.


class void begin()

This function is required to be called before calling any other Andee functions. This will setup the SPI communication on the Arduino Shield. The Slave Select pin will default to pin 8.

class void begin(pin)

If the Andee Slave Select pin conflicts with another shield, you can use argument pin to change the Andee Slave Select pin.


Change Andee Name

class void setName(name)

This function will change the name of the Andee Shield. This name will appear when scanning for your Andee Shield in the app. Only works on Firmware 2.00 and above. name is a Character Array

Andee.setName("My New Name");

Clear All Widgets

class void clear()

This function will clear all the widgets on the screen in the iOS/Android app



class void disconnect()

This function will force the Andee Shield to disconnect from the iOS/Android device that it is connected to


Check Connection

class int isConnected()

This function checks if the Andee Shield is connected to a device and returns an Integer. If the value returned is :
0, the Andee Shield is not connected to a device
1, the Andee Shield is connected to a device

connected = Andee.isConnected();

Get Device Time

class void getDeviceTime(*hour,*min,*sec)

This function will get the time from the device that it is connected to. The time from the device will be stored in the hour,min and sec arguments in Integer


Get Device Date

class void getDeviceDate(*day,*month,*year)

This function will get the date from the device that it is connected to. The date from the device will be stored in the day, month and year arguments in Integer


Get Timestamp

class long getDeviceTimeStamp()

This function will get and return the timestamp in millis from the device that it is connected to. The return value will be a Long

timeStamp = Andee.getDeviceTimeStamp();

Using Device Features

The functions below makes use of the functions on the smart device. If the device does not have a particular feature, for example not all smartphones have a gyroscope, then the function will not work

Vibrate Device

class void vibrate()

This function will cause the connected device to vibrate for approximately 1 second


Gyroscope Sensor

class void gyroInit(interval,iteration)

This function will activate the gyroscope sensor on the device. The function can only be called once, unless the arguments are changed. The iOS/Android device will restart the interval timer each time this function is called.
interval, is an Integer, will set the time interval in ms before sending another gyro data.
iteration, is an Integer, will set the amount of times the gyro data should be sent. Set iteration to -1 for infinite iterations

Once the initialisation has been called, call the function below to get the gyroscope values.

class void getGyroReading(*xAxis,*yAxis,*zAxis)

The values from the gyroscope sensor will be stored in the xAxis,yAxis and zAxis arguments in Float

The readings can be stopped anytime by calling

class void gyroStop()
Andee.gyroInit(200,-1);//App will send data unlimited times at 200ms interval



Linear Accelerometer Sensor

class void lacInit(interval,iteration)

This function will activate the Linear Accelerometer(LAC) sensor on the device. The function can only be called once, unless the arguments are changed. The iOS/Android device will restart the interval timer each time this function is called.

interval, is an Integer, and will set the time interval in ms before sending another LAC data.
iteration, is an Integer, and will set the amount of times the LAC data should be sent. Set iteration to -1 for infinite iterations

Once the initialisation has been called, call the function below to get the LAC values.

class void getLacReading(*xAxis,*yAxis,*zAxis)

The values from the LAC sensor will be stored in the xAxis,yAxis and zAxis arguments in Float

The readings can be stopped anytime by calling

class void lacStop()
Andee.lacInit(200,-1);//App will send data unlimited times at 200ms interval



Gravity Sensor

class void gravInit(interval,iteration)

This function will activate the gravity sensor on the device. The function can only be called once, unless the arguments are changed. The iOS/Android device will restart the interval timer each time this function is called.

interval, is an Integer, will set the time interval in ms before sending another gravity data.
iteration, is an Integer, will set the amount of times the gravity data should be sent. Set iteration to -1 for infinite iterations

Once the initialisation has been called, call the function below to get the gravity values.

class void getGravReading(*xAxis,*yAxis,*zAxis)

The values from the gravity sensor will be stored in the xAxis,yAxis and zAxis arguments in Float

The readings can be stopped anytime by calling

class void gravStop()
Andee.gravInit(200,-1);//App will send data unlimited times at 200ms interval



GPS Sensor

class void gpsInit(interval,iteration)

This function will activate the GPS sensor on the device. The function can only be called once, unless the arguments are changed. The iOS/Android device will restart the interval timer each time this function is called.

interval, is an Integer, will set the time interval in ms before sending another GPS data.
iteration, is an Integer, will set the amount of times the GPS data should be sent. Set iteration to -1 for infinite iterations

Once the initialisation has been called, call the function below to get the GPS values.

class void getGpsReading(*xAxis,*yAxis)

The values from the GPS sensor will be stored in the xAxis and yAxis arguments in Float
The readings can be stopped anytime by calling

class void gpsStop()
Andee.gpsInit(200,-1);//App will send data unlimited times at 200ms interval



Taking Photos

class void takePhoto(cameraType,autoFocus,flash)

This function will make the connected device take 1 photo depending on the arguments below
For cameraType use either * CAM_DEFAULT to use default camera * FRONT to use Front Camera * BACK to use Rear Camera
ForautoFocus use * ON to switch on auto focus * OFF to switch off auto focus
For flash use * ON to switch on flash * OFF to switch off flash


Text to Speech

class void textToSpeech(speech,speed,pitch,accent)

This function will activate the text to speech(TTS) function on the device. The app will then speak the text in the speech string. The arguments are
speech, is a Character Array, that the device will speak
speed, is a Float, is the speed of the speech
pitch, is a Float, is the pitch of the voice
accent of the voice. Use
Android devices require installation of the required language pack to use different accents.

Andee.textToSpeech("This is Annikken Andee",1.0,0.5,US);


class void notification(title,message,ticker)

This function will pop a notification on the connected device. This only works on Android devices. The arguments are
title, is a Character Array, is the title of the notification
message, is a Character Array, is the main text of the notification
ticker, is a Character Array, is the small text when the notification has not been expanded yet

Andee.notification("Andee Notify","Just some text for the body of the SMS","Andee");

AndeeHelper Functions

The AndeeHelper Class has functions that help the user create the widgets on the app. A new instantiation of the class has to be made for each widget. For example,

AndeeHelper widget1;//1 instantiation
AndeeHelper widget2;//Another instantiation

widget1.setId(5);//when using one of the functions below

You can then use the functions below with each instantiation. Every example from here onwards will use widget1 as the example.

Set Id

class void setId(id)

Set widget id id, is a char, can be a number from 0 to 49


Set Type

class void setType(type)

type uses macros as the input. Available types are

  • TTS

Set Location

class void setLocation(row,column,span)

row, is a char, can be a number from 0 to 3
column, is a char, can be a number from 0 to 3
span uses macros as the input. Available macros are

  • HALF
  • FULL

Set Coordinates

class void setCoord(xCoordinate,yCoordinate,width,height)

xCoordinate, is an Integer, can be a number from 0 to 100
yCoordinate, is an Integer, can be a number from 0 to 100
width, is an Integer, can be a number from 0 to 100
height, is an Integer, can be a number from 0 to 100


Set Color

The widget has a few colors that can be customised. The widget body, widget body text, widget title and widget title text.

class void setColor(color)

This is to set widget body color

class void setTextColor(color)

This is to set widget body text color

class void setTitleColor(color)

This is to set widget title color

class void setTitleTextColor(color)

This is to set widget title text color

color is a Character Array. color should be a color hex in the form of AARRGGBB, where A is alpha, R is red, g is green and B is blue. For example, "FFFF0000" is red. There are also macros that can be used. All the possible macros will be listed here.


Set Data

class void setData(data)
class void setData(dataFloat,decimalPlace)

This function sets the widget data display.
data can accept an Integerand a Character Array
dataFloat accepts a Float and a decimal place needs to be specified at decimalPlace

widget1.setData("Info Here");

Set Title

class void setTitle(title)
class void setTitle(titleFloat,decimalPlace)

This function sets the widget title display.
title can accept an Integerand a Character Array.
titleFloat accepts a Float and a decimal place needs to be specified at decimalPlace

widget1.setTitle("Header Here");

Set Units

class void setUnit(units)
class void setUnit(unitFloat,decimalPlace)

This function sets the widget units display.
units can accept an Integerand a Character Array.
unitFloat accepts a Float and a decimal place needs to be specified at decimalPlace

widget1.setUnit("Extra Info Here");

Update Widget

class void update()

This function is very important to the Annikken Andee. If this function is not called, the widget will not appear. This function can be called at specific parts of the sketch to control the way the widget is updated.


Remove Widget

class void remove()

This function tells the connected device to remove the corresponding widget when called.


Set Min Max

Note:This function is only for Slider and Analog Circle Widgets

class void setMinMax(min,max)
class void setMinMax(minFloat,maxFloat,decimalPlace)

This function sets the minimum and maximum value for the Slider and Analog Circle widgets.
min and max are Integer.
minFloat and maxFloat are Float and a decimal place needs to be specified at decimalPlace


Input Widget Functions

The functions below are only needed if the Slider,Button,Circle Button,Date,Time and Keyboard widgets are used

Set Input Mode

class void setInputMode(mode)

mode uses macros as the input. Available macros are:
For BUTTON_IN and CIRCLE_BUTTON, use ACK for acknowledged button presses or NO_ACK for a multi press button.

For SLIDER_IN, use ON_FINGER_UP for a slider that updates the value upon lifting the finger from the screen,ON_VALUE_CHANGE for a slider that updates the value as soon as the values change or NO_FINGER for a slider that looks like a progress bar,with no interaction needed

For KEYBOARD_IN, use ALPHA_NUMERIC for AlphaNumeric Keyboard, ALPHA_NUMERIC_PW for AlphaNumeric keyboard that hides the typed character after a few seconds, NUMERIC for a Numeric Keyboard with symbols or NUMERIC_PW for a Numeric Keyboard that hides typed characters after a few seconds

Both Date and Time only have 1 input mode


Slider Widget Specific Functions

The next 3 functions are only used for slider widgets

Move Slider Thumb

class void moveSliderToValue(value)
class void moveSliderToValue(valueFloat,decimalPlace)

This function moves the slider thumb to the position as defined in the argument value or valueFloat
value is an integer.
valueFloat is a Float and a decimal place needs to be specified at decimalPlace


Set the Number of Intervals for Slider

class void setSliderNumIntervals(value)

This function sets the number of intervals (or number of steps) the slider widget has. value is an Integer


Get Slider Value

class int getSliderValue()
class float getSliderValue()

This function is to get the value of the slider from the app. The function will return an Integer or a Float

sliderValue = widget1.getSliderValue();

Button Widget Specific Functions

The widgets Button,Circle Button,Date and Time widgets use the functions below


class int isPressed()

This function is used to check if a button widget has been pressed. This function returns the number of times the button has been pressed and a 0 if the button is not pressed

if(widget1.isPressed() > 0)
int buttonPressed = widget1.isPressed();


class void ack()

This function will send an acknowledgement packet to the connected device. This is required when the input mode of the button widget has been set to acknowledgement


Keyboard Widget Specific Functions

Get Keyboard Message

class void getKeyboardMessage(*appReply)

This function is to get the reply when the Keyboard Widget is used. The function will store the reply in the appReply as a Character Array


Date Widget Specific Functions

Set Default Date

class void setDefaultDate(day, month, year)

This function sets the default day when the date widget is used. When the user taps on the widget, a calendar is presented and the cursor will highlight the default day.
Both day and year are Integer while month can accept Integer and months in macro. The available macros are

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Get Date

class void getDateInput(*day,*month,*year)

This function is used to get the date input from the Date widget. The values will be stored accordingly into day,month and year


Time Widget Specific Functions

Set Default Time

class void setDefaultTime(hour,minute,second)

This function sets the default time when the Time widget is used. When the user taps on the widget, a pop up on the app will show the default time.


Get Time

class void getTimeInput(hour,minute,second)

This function is used to get the time input from the Time widget. The values will be stored accordingly into hour,minute,second
