Andee U/iOS/Android Shield

Thank you for purchasing the Annikken Andee shield! Before you start coding your first project with Annikken Andee, here are the steps required for Annikken Andee to work.

In order to use the Andee101 Library in your sketch , we require the following libraries:

  1. SPI.h
  2. Andee.h

To include them in the project, insert the following code snippet at the top of your Arduino sketch.

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Andee.h>

You will then need to add this code in the setup

void setup() {
    Andee.begin();  // Setup communication between Annikken Andee and Arduino

to start communication between the Andee shield and Arduino board.

The final sketch will look like the code below

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Andee.h>

void setup() {
    Andee.begin();  // Setup communication between Annikken Andee and Arduino
    //put other setup code here if there are any

void loop() {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


Note: These steps are required for each project that you use with Annikken Andee. Leaving out these steps results in compile errors.