Privacy Policy

  1. The information you provide to us

Your privacy is very important for us. We take it seriously and when you provide us with any personal information, we endeavour to keep it safe. Annikken Pte Ltd never shares your privacy info with any third parties and takes all reasonable precautions to protect it.

  1. Usage tracking

We use a Google Analytics tracking code in the Annikken Andee app. This information helps us to understand Annikken Andee app usage. This information is anonymous and does not provide us with identifiable information, but helps us ensure that we do things right when new features are introduced or used.

  1. When do we collect information?

When ordering or registering on our website, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name, email address, mailing address, phone number or other details to help you with your experience.

  1. How do we use your information?

We may use the information we collect from you when you register, make a purchase, sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the Annikken website, or use certain other site features in the following ways:

  • To personalize user’s experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.

  • To improve our website in order to better serve you.

  • To allow us to better service you in responding to your customer service requests.

  • To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature.

  • To quickly process your transactions.

  • To send periodic emails regarding your order or other products and services.

  • Camera and others permissions

In order to work correctly and to provide you with fantastic features, Annikken Andee app requires a bunch of permissions from your smartphone mainly Bluetooth access to scan and connect to Annikken Andee devices. Any data collected from using any of the Andee. features are not saved nor stored anywhere

We do not store any personal information from the Annikken Andee app to any servers or third party apps.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us on

Information is updated on 25 August 2023